At Copperstone Dental your dental health and safety are important to us. Now more than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic, patients have questions about their risk for infection when they visit a healthcare practitioner of any kind.

Here are a few things to expect on your next visit with us:

  • All patients will be contacted to do a verbal COVID-19 pre-screening within 24 hours prior to the appointment.
  • Upon entrance to the clinic, we ask everyone to, wear a mask, use the hand sanitizer provided, and we will take the temperature of everyone entering the clinic with a no-touch forehead thermometer.
  • We are trying to avoid having people wait in the reception area, so upon entering, please let us know you’ve arrived and see if your treatment room is ready, and if so, we will take you right back. We have removed all toys and magazines from the waiting room, and have reconfigured the chairs to allow for appropriate social distancing.
  • Anyone accompanying a patient (only caregivers or parents/guardians please) must also sign the COVID-19 consent form and have their temperature taken. This person should be wearing a mask as well.
  • Our staff is also filling out a daily COVID-19 questionnaire prior to the start of their shift and their temperatures are being checked two times/day.
  • You may notice that we look different than prior to this pandemic. We are wearing the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that we are mandated to wear by the Alberta Dental Association and College, and apologize if you cannot recognize us under all our PPE!
  • We are wiping down any areas that have come in contact with patients, including chairs, door handles, sinks, countertops, etc.

In short, we have obtained all the necessary PPE and are sanitizing/cleaning in overdrive. We have updated our protocols to keep us all safe while performing dental procedures.

We look forward to seeing you!

Call us at (403) 263-0711 to book your new patient consultation with us today!